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5 Compelling Reasons to Consider Working in Retirement


In the past, retirement has been portrayed as an ending, a grand exit from your years in the workplace. But the rules are shifting. Today’s retirees and near-retirees are redefining what it means to transition into the next phase of life. In fact, the majority of American workers (55 percent) plan to continue working in retirement, with 41 percent going part time and 14 percent full time, according to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies¹

As the Baby Boomer generation ages, more people are viewing retirement as an opportunity to enjoy the rewards of work in a whole new way. If you’re considering working in retirement, here are a few reasons why it could be beneficial.

Reason #1: Improve Your Mental Health

Doing things like learning a new skill can help maintain mental agility. Working, especially in a new job, is a great way to continue learning and improving your skill set. Staying engaged in work helps to build your “mental muscle.” This is an effective way to reduce the risk of developing dementia or Alzheimers as well as ward off signs of aging.

Reason #2: Maintain Physical Health

Staying active during retirement years is crucial for continued health. Whether you choose to work full time or volunteer a few days a week, engaging in some form of work will keep your body moving. This can give you opportunities to stay balanced, strong and healthy.

Reason #3: Continued Income & Delayed SS Benefits

The longer you work, the longer you receive a steady paycheck. This, of course, can help boost financial stability and grow your savings. But in addition, working during retirement may afford you the ability to delay receiving Social Security benefits.

Social Security benefits become accessible at age 62, but full retirement benefits will only be available once an individual reaches their full retirement age, which is determined by their birth date. Any benefits received before reaching your full retirement age are reduced by a percentage, also determined by birth date, ranging between 25 and 30 percent.2   

Depending on your circumstances, working into retirement may mean being able to delay benefits until your full retirement age. If you want to maximize your benefits, you can defer receiving them until your 70th birthday.  By waiting, you are rewarded with a retirement credit of 8% per year, which starts at your full retirement age and continues until you reach age of 70.

Reason #4: Sense of Purpose

Studies have shown that a sense of purpose has been found to lengthen lifespan and quality of life.3 Working on something you care about, starting a new business or mentoring others in the workplace can ward off depression and provide a healthy sense of fulfillment and direction in your later years.

Reason #5: Avoid Isolation

One of the risks associated with retirement is increased isolation, which in terms of its impact on your health, has been equated with smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes a day.4 Working with others reduces this risk, giving you a chance to build connections and enjoy meaningful interactions.

There are plenty of considerations to make before rejoining the workforce in retirement. When deciding if this is the right move for you, keep these important benefits in mind.

  1. https://www.aarp.org/work/job-search/part-time-jobs-for-retirees/?cmp=RDRCT-8c8747f8-202003 
  2. https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/agereduction.html#:~:text=You%20can%20start%20receiving%20your,your%20benefit%20amount%20will%20increase. 
  3.  https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/minds-business/a-meaningful-job-linked-to-higher-income-and-a-longer-life.htm; l
  4.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/five-myths/loneliness-isolation-elderly-health-problems-myths/2021/01/08/10b732ae-509c-11eb-b96e-0e54447b23a1_story.html

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